Friday, April 07, 2006

Greenfield/A.1. - Collaborative Collage

A recent collaborative collage made into a set of colour copies initiated by Mark Greenfield.


Jonathan said...

Nice job... I owe Mark mail, as well.

Wastedpapiers said...

These collaborative collages tend to go a bit messy at times and lack cohesion. But worth doing I think, if only for the process itself.

Jonathan said...

Messy at times, yes...
The collaboration is worth the effort.
Most often these things end up being rather abstract... not a bad thing...

Wastedpapiers said...

yes, really the end result doesnt matter too much- it's the journeys in between that make it for me. Hard to visualise that in a blog. You just have to imagine a big map of the world and time lines and aeroplanes flying across all superimposed like in those old films. Some nifty " journeying" music in the background. Then all the post office fun- the bright shiney faces of the posties as they stamp on all the letters and parcels and whistle merrily as they ride their bikes along the quaint old english lanes to the picket fence of the rustic dwelling where liveth the mail artist , his nose pressed against the window in a horribe grimace as he strides up the garden path and rams the mail into the slot which is too small. The delight on the face of the recipient as he tears open the envelope to reveal the marvel of mailartiness within! Here rays of sunlight sparkle on the mail , making it seem to glow in a strange and heavenly way.

Maybe you see it differently?

Ruud Janssen said...

Some years ago I also did these add & pass collaborations with Mark Greenfield. I scanned each version. For 3 series I placed the results online. Have a look at :