Collaborative collage from several postcards i sent to Mark and he combined them all and returend for additions and I added the parrot. I'm sending it back to him to add more.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
M.Greenfield & A.1. - Postcard
A collaborative card in a series from a L & H postcard book someone gave me.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
Michael Leigh - Envelope
Another envelope to a friend during my final year at the art college in Manchester 1970.
Arte Postale! 56 - Vittore Baroni
Brainchild of Vittore and still going after all these years in various guises - the long running Arte Postale! This issue dedicated to Mail Art and Money (Do they mix?) On the back cover is an image of Batman and the words "A magazine for surf freaks and kourbash smokers who really dig to Break Art Taboos.
Art Nahpro - Postcard
Postcard originally sent to Deborash and geoffry? in Farnham and then to me by Paul Jackson (Art Nahpro) in 1987. Postcard is dated 1978.
A Collaborative card. 1987
Initiated by me and stamped by Peter Bergner in Germany. No other intervention detected.
John Evans - Postcard
A John Evans postcard collaged in 1985 for his exhibition at the J.N.Herlin gallery in New York.
Vittore Baroni - Memory
One of Robin Crozier's memory sheets filled in by Vittore back in 1984. Clemente Padin has added a collage on the back too.
Friday, June 10, 2005
David Dellafiora/A.1. - Collab. Postcard
Made when David was still living in England back in the mid 90's. He now lives in Australia.
Lancillotto Bellini - Postcard
Hand carved rubber stamp in memory of Ray Johnson the great mail art pioneer by Lancillotto who lives in Italy.
Lothar Trott - Postcard
Collaged postcard with additional artistamps by Lothar Trott in Switzerland. 1990's.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Rudi Rubberoid - Postcard
A postcard from Rudi rubberoid. 1990. He's used some rubber stamp dies I sent him.
Klaus Rupp - Postcard
Another postcard from Klaus Rupp dated 2000. with collage and rubberstampings.