Monocassette (Ron Bookless) sent this card today from Glasgow. Based on a new song by Big Al Davies "Sid James Infirmary" due out on Al's new CD soon. See more of Monocassette at his Flickr stream ( ).
A catalogue that arrived the other day from Le Quai Des Arts in France. A project based on the theme of "On Rails" .400 works sent in. See the website at
What is this artist doing? D.C. of Lomita CA. U.S.A. says - " Anthropologists have a new htpothesis about the people who erected the henge at the archaeological site known as Posthenge, located on the sunny southeastern coastal plain of Lomita, California. It is belived these people were part of a dead letter cult and would bring all undeliverable mail, especially mail art, to the henge on the veve of the Summer Solstice. As the first light of daybreak illuminated the "Navigator Post", the mail would travle towards the heavns and be guided safley to it's intended destination."
Recieved from Mark today with numerous other pass alongs including FluxusBucks, collages, flyers and postcards. Original image - self portrait by Ray Johnson.
hand coloured photocopy of article about "cinderella" stamps and rubber stamped and collaged envelope by Leslie Caldera AKA Creative Thing in Los Angeles CA. Also enclosed a bit of skunk fur that has a musty odour but nothing too offensive!
A fat envelope of stuff from Mark in Staffordshire. Besides these two pages he sends more "Add & Pass" photocopies and a postcard, a collaboraive collage and some stickers. Plus a CD of a band called The Clay Faces.
In the letter he writes- "Regarding blogspot documentation, I'm not sure whether it has any effect on the number of participants. It may be that mail art is slowling down."
Mail today from Alan Turner in Wales. Photos of tate meeting with Shopping Trolley Gallery etc. David Dellafiora and Book Baking with Peter Netmail in Minden.
Peter from Canada sent this envleope recently containing work you can see at my Paper Planes & Birds blog. Also music for "Empty Mail Box Blues" and antique baby arrival card from the 30's.
Leslie Caldera AKA Creative Thing sent this stamp sheet today from California. He also sent some stickers for the Wheelie Bin Gallery and a note which says - " My most recent artistamp sheet - documenting the six bicycles in our household...The Bicycle Stamp afixed to the envelope is your assurance that this mail has been delivered to the post office via bicycle- one of these six. Long Beach Fixed Gear.
Martha sent this today from Beckenham. A cut out and glue- make your own Shopping Trolley Gallery as part of the documentation for the very last show as shown on the Tate Britain steps. You can see more at
An enevlope from Frips in Belgium containing flyers for performance on April 19th by Anna Banana at Lucas Munichstraat in Gent. Also some add and pass and other ephemera.
Posted from Tunisia. Peter also sent some flyers and photo copies. One is headed NAZ! and is about new artistamp zine collated by Petra Weimer and Angela Netmail.
Mark has sent a full envelope as always containg several flyers, 2 pass alongs, 2 postcards, a CD of Mod Jazz and a letter. He says - "It would be nice to hear from you. The last mailing had no note and no art. Good to know you are doing a new project. I will distribute the flyers."
Vittore sent this packet of stuff yesterday inclkuding Cd of images and texts from You Werte On MY Mind show last year. Artsistamps, flyers and adverts, Call for his latest mail art project called BZZZOING! Future Sounds And Music By Mail.
45rpm singlem on blue vinyl from Ken Gen in NYC. Also certificate and sticker. Ken says - " Thankyou for producing so much waste. here is one of the last copies of my blue vinyl object, made in edition of 200 from money given to me by John Cage.,"