Saturday, October 17, 2009

Vittore Baroni - Envelope/flyers/collage

Latest mailing form Vittore in Italy. News of new Lewis Carroll project, plus KLANG! poster, ephemera, photo copies and artistamps etc.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

D.C. Spaulding - Postcard

What is this artist doing? D.C. of Lomita CA. U.S.A. says - " Anthropologists have a new htpothesis about the people who erected the henge at the archaeological site known as Posthenge, located on the sunny southeastern coastal plain of Lomita, California. It is belived these people were part of a dead letter cult and would bring all undeliverable mail, especially mail art, to the henge on the veve of the Summer Solstice. As the first light of daybreak illuminated the "Navigator Post", the mail would travle towards the heavns and be guided safley to it's intended destination."

Ennio Pauluzzi - Postcard

Ennio in Italy sent this postcard for my Paper Planes & Birds project.