Monday, November 08, 2004

FaGaGaGa - Documentation

faceofcongress, originally uploaded by wastedpapiers.

FaGaGaGa in Youngstown,Ohio sent this in 1992 to document the Decentralised Networker Congress. On the front cover is an image by Ray Johnson.
In the opening "Word" Mark Corroto writes - " Our culture, and i am speaking of American culture, is saturated by media. Our celebrity gossip and commercials are beginnin g to become confused with news reporting. It's like a dog chasing it's tail. The TV anchor reports a story of "celebrity news." The commercial is not a product endorsement but a way of life...."


Jonathan said...

I don't have this one but I do have issues 3,4,5,6.
Nice production, it was. Is FaGaGaGa still active ???

Wastedpapiers said...

I have no idea. I certainly havent heard from Mark in quite a while. Impressed at your archive at your fingertips Johnathan - you must be very organised!

Jonathan said...

You trip over paint cans, other flotsam to arrive at my file cabinets. In some cases, there's a file for each contact... in others it's sorted by country. And, of course there's the various stacks that have never been filed. Somehow I know where things are...