Made by pages and postcards sent to Worm Prods. who cut and compiled limited ed. of 45 booklets.2001.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
P.L.G. - Postcard
PLG on this postcard photographed with his badges from the International Garden & Greenery Exposition in Osaka, Japan. 1990.
Saturday, November 27, 2004
Greenfield/A.1. Collaborative Envelope
Posted back and forth once or twice judging by the stamps.2001.
Friday, November 26, 2004
Sussana Lakner - Assembling
Book assembled by Planet Susanna in 2001. 22 pages sent by 22 participants.
All the way from Germany.
Ruth Fledermaus - Envelope
An envelope where you get a tantilising glimpse of the enclosures. From Ruth who lives in New Orleans.2001.
Pascal Lenoir - Memory
Pascal's reply to Robin Crozier's memory prject. Mani Art was his assembling 'zine he did for many years.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Greenfield/ Jones - Colour Photocopy
Limited edition photocopy/collage collaboration by Mark Greenfield and Audrey Jones. 2001.
Linda Pelati - Colour Photocopy
Sent from Milan in 2001. Linda writes on the back- "I send you a small documentation about Konel Teige (great architect and collage maker, born in Prague in 1900 and dies in 1951) and Thierry Renaud (born and living in Bruxelles from 1952). I am fond of these artists.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Catherine Thieblemont - Bookmarks
Facsimile bookmarks made by Catherine for her "Bookmarks" project. Sent out to participants when an edition of 10 is made.2001.
Ex Posto Facto - Envelope
Envelope from Ex Posto facto (Julie Jeffries) from Texas.2001. Containing more Fluxus Bucks and Update for her long running project.
De Decker Geert - Documentation
A coffin shaped envelope and coffin shaped pages documenting "Mortuarium" project at the 13th International Music & Arts Festival in Belgium.2001. Little coffin kits were sent out and participants were asked to decorate them. they were assembled into 3-D coffins when returned and displayed.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Michael Scott - Letter
Reply to our exhibition invite 1985. Added collage elements and "fluff" in response to our "ABC of Fluffs" at Stafford Art Gallery.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Jonathan Stangroom - Memo/ry
A page from Robin Crozier's Memory project that came via Anna Boschi I think as shes added her Stamp on the back with some more writing "dedicated to Robin". 1996.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Julian Beere - Collage
A page from a hand made book by Julian. In the book there is a mixture of collage, photocopy, waxed papers and frottage. 1990's.
L'Objet Cultuel - Documentation
A catalogue from France documenting a mail art exhibition with the theme of The Cultural Object? 1984.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Ti Parks - Poster
Sent to me as documentation for 1980 mail art show at Greenwhich Theatre Gallery in South London. This was the first mail art exhibition I ever saw and inspired me to write to the two addresses on the poster. I got replies from both and so the beginning of a new chapter in my life.
A.1. Collaborative Stamp Card
This is one of many cards requisitioned from the post office (originally a Vehicle License card) and sent out for rubber stamps to be added to each square on reverse. Only two people used this one - Pawel Petasz and Giovanni Strada before it was returend to me. 1986.
Dogfish - Postcard
Postcard made for 1992 Worldwide Decentralised Networker Congress. On the reverse it states - "...convened at the Palace of Ministries of greater Tui Tui, Dragonfly and Dogfish hosting. the congress greeted the Netmail Carriers Peter Kustermann and Angela Pahler on their year long worldaround personal Congress mail delivery performance."
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Keith Bates - Letter
A letter written on the computer. About the time of his English Suppressionists project which is alluded to here. Mid 90's?
Jose vd Broucke - Booklet
Jose from Belgium made this book to document his travels in England and the continent in 1991. Booklet is photo-copied and much added collage, rubberstampings and photographs.
PLG & Cesar Figueiredo - Postcard
A collaborative postcard by Peter L. Grosse (Germany) and Figueiredo (Portugal) from 1988. The address side has 7 rubber stampings including a post horn and one that says "Schiffart tut not".
Monday, November 08, 2004
Gerard Barbot - Postcard
Collaged recycled postcard from Gerard dated 1992. Originally a card to Gerard from someone who signed themselves "Dees". On the reverse Gerard writes "Congratulations on ultimate creative conceptual art. wishin' ewe best of luck with parenthood...".
Florida Fran - Stampsheet
Fran made a a series of portriats of her mail art chums and this is one set made into a stamp sheet. From top to bottom they are Al Ackerman, John M. Bennett, Lon Speigelman and DKA? 1986.
Benoit Lamette - Envelope
The envelope contained a hand carved rubber stamp and a letter from Benoit in Belgium which reads- " Thanks to you enjoy mine! But how can you see on this page, I can do much more, because all of them are mademyself too ( except your ofcourse). Don't forget you can always send me a little draw, and I'll make it on a stamp."
FaGaGaGa - Documentation
FaGaGaGa in Youngstown,Ohio sent this in 1992 to document the Decentralised Networker Congress. On the front cover is an image by Ray Johnson.
In the opening "Word" Mark Corroto writes - " Our culture, and i am speaking of American culture, is saturated by media. Our celebrity gossip and commercials are beginnin g to become confused with news reporting. It's like a dog chasing it's tail. The TV anchor reports a story of "celebrity news." The commercial is not a product endorsement but a way of life...."
Bill Chambers? - Pass Along Sheet
This photo-copied "add to & pass along" is typical of it's kind. This one I assume was initiated by Bill Chambers as his name is at the bottom asking for it back when filled (sorry Bill). Those taking part so far are Blaster, Stampmeister kevin, Any Sayler, Guido Bondioli, Private World, Rudi Rubberoid, The Spitter, Darla and Freya Zabitsky. 1992.
Cracker Jack Kid - Periodical
A magazine with stampsheet that Cracker Jack Kid (Chuck Welch)published from time to time. This issue features documentation for artist's stamps exhibition organised by Kid at AVA Gallery in 1994.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Collaborated Stamp Sheet
Collaborators include Art Nahpro, Lizzie de Bechi, Robin Crozier and myself. 1980's.
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Joki Mail Art - Magazine
This periodical was produced by Joki during the 1980's and early 90's until his untimely death in a boating accident. Stars and Types was full of cartoons and comics by contributors from around the world.
Marcel Herms - Documentation
Booklet printed on Roneo press with contributions for project, "Deventer, City of Printing" that Marcel did in the late 1980's.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Temple/Kamperelic - Postcard
A collaborative postcard by Temple Post (Jose Van D.Broucke)( Belgium) and Dobrica Kamperelic( Former Yugoslavia) 1998.
shinOH!NOdera - Documentation
Booklet by Japanese artist shinOH!NOdera for "Gorbachev" postcard project. 1991.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Lloyd Dunn - Documentation
Lloyd, I believe was the moving force behind the Iowa Chapter of the Aggressive School of Cultural Workers who organised this exhibition as a response to the first Gulf War in 1991.
151 contributions arrived from 25 countries.