New publication printed in Italian and English by Vittore Baroni.
"Starting from the work of pioneers of the historical avant-gardes, POSTCARTS reconstructs in over 200 pages the vicissitudes of artists' postcards, ranging from the conceptual mailings of Fluxus multicoloured oddities of the planetary circuit of mail art, from unusual "unique pieces" to the most stimulating alternative and New Pop editions, up to the phenomenon of promotional free-cards and to the virtual e-cards of the internet. Richly illustrated, the book includes original texts and materials selected by artists, experts and publishers of postcards; Anna Banana, Julien Blaine, Guy Bleus, Mario Giavino, John Held Jnr., Janosz Kubas, Jurgen O. Olbrich, Enrico Sist, Enrico Sturani."
PostcARTs can be requested directly from the author at the cover price of 15 euros or $20 outside Europe, air mail postage included. Send well hidden cash or International Postal Money Order ( no cheque or add $5 bank costs) to-
Vittore Baroni, via C. Battisti 339, 55049 Viareggio, Italy.