Billy sent this in 2002. Hand drawn and collaged. On the reverse Billy says- "Good to hear from you! My banjo playing is a bit rusty but have been trying to cum up with somethin' musical for either of your two tape projects. I really enjoyed the re-mixed dawg pamphlet and keep it by the terlit for perusing."
A random neuron fired and I Googled Billy Haddock and was happy to see this post. I know Billy from Art Maggots and FoamLords days in 1980's Eugene, Oregon. Do you have a current address for him?
Hi Mortal, sorry dont have any address handy but will keep my eyes peeled. Thanks for dropping by.
I have a 1983 Paul Sabal, Art Maggots poster for Nightlife in Austin, Tx promoting Video Cafeteria...Digital Video Dance...night...lol...the cable tv boxes still had long cords and push buttons...probably the tv still had knobs. Also have a Club Iguana bill and alot of other stuff. I used to tear the art from poles and I've just kept. Is this stuff valuable?
Pretty priceless I imagine!
Briz here....Maggot resurrection project Eugene OREGON.
New Presence on web and youtube coming.... Next gen maggots....
Here that Haddo?
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