Sunday, July 14, 2019

Part B being delivered in crate 1989

Found this today whilst going through some old mail I sent to Hazel many years ago. I though we had no record of this event but here it is - a rather poor photo copy but nonetheless a bit of history. Part B got his mate to drop him off at out flat in Lambeth Walk and had authentic looking dockets and reciepts to hand over with it. His mate drove round the corner to wait for instructions. I was at work at the time so knew nothing about it so Hazel left the crate unopened in our hall which was shared by the modelmakers who had the ground floor. So poor old Part B had to wait two hours for me to come back home at lunchtime to open the crate. I was a bit suspicious when I noticed the holes drilled in the sides ( luckily for scrunched up occupant!) and amazed when the top was prized off ( with the help of John Held Jr. an American mail artist who was visiting at the time )and Part B. was found inside. He had wanted to jump out and surprise us but two hours had seized his legs up slightly! So then we took this photo ( or maybe John Held Jr. did?) anyway, we had a good laugh about it and invited Part B and his worried mate who had been waiting patiently round the corner to come up for tea and a chat.

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